Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October 21/22 Weekend Class

This weekend's class was like drinking from a water hose after eating a spicy pepper.  Don’t get me wrong, the information was invaluable and I imagine I will recall the information from this weekend for many years.  However, I am now more aware now that I have a great deal to learn as I enter this idea of Educational leadership.  As a classroom teacher for over 10 years I have never considered the painful legality by which our administrative teams must work under, and now I find myself wanting to be a part of it.  I am thankful to our professors and the professionals that gave up their time this weekend to better prepare us for our new roles as educational leaders


  1. You are right about all of the information, especially all of the legalities. It is never dull as an administrator!

  2. The information was valuable, but there was too much crammed into two sessions. I am thankful for all of the hard work by our professors and the speakers as well.
