Sunday, November 20, 2011

Putting it all Together

I regret waiting so long to finish the last section of Leadership Connectors, Putting it all Together.  What an effective way to end a book on leadership by allowing the reader to reflect on the successful journey of an effective and loved high school principal. 
As I transition into an administrative role in the near future, I am constantly focused on the need for professional and personal introspection, as well as developing and maintaining authentic relationships.  It will be impossible to please everyone all the time, however it is possible to identify and communicate a set of principles that will guide and shape my effectiveness and reputation as leader.   This book and the Cohort has given me a great deal to work and think about as I prepare to transition from the classroom and into administration. 


  1. Josh,
    You speak the truth. It seems that the higher we move in leadership positions, the lonelier it will get. We will probably always disappoint someone with every decision we make. Hang in there though.

  2. Building relationships and leading by example are vital parts of your future leadership role. You will be great!
